
Nicholas Hood III Ministries

Make a Difference in the World!

Make Your Requests Known To God!

Welcome to Nick Hood Ministries, your home for powerful prayers, meditations, meaningful podcasts, and spiritual videos—all created to share the good new of Jesus Christ!  My prayers, meditations and sermon outlines are written and published daily to this site. 

I am the pastor and senior minister of the Plymouth United Church of Christ in Detroit MI. In addition to my ministry in Detroit, I also am blessed to be involved with mission work stretching from the interior of Liberia and Cote d’Ivoire with refugees of war, Ghana, Ethiopia, Guatemala, and the Philippines.

My mission and desire is to connect with  people across the globe through this  ministry, and I look forward to connecting with you as well.  Do not hesitate to let me know if there are spiritual topics you would like me to share my thoughts.

Pastor Nick Hood

Meditation for this week

Persistence in prayer

Prayer is a mechanism which allows you and me a direct connection with God. There are no special words necessary to obtain the attention of Jesus Christ. Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount that if we “Ask it shall be given to us, when we seek we will find and to those who knock on the door, the door shall be opened.”  (Matthew 5)

A great example of the importance of persistence in prayer is found in Matthew chapter 8 verse one, where a leper approaches Jesus, bows down to the ground before him, and ask Jesus to heal him and take away the sores on his body. The man says to Jesus, if you will, or choose, I will be healed. Jesus replies to him, I will, or in some modern versions, i choose. The man is healed immediately.

The apostle Paul gives a similar teaching in his letter to the philippians chapter 4

  • Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. [1] (Philippians 4)

A lesson I take away from this text is the importance of persistence in prayer. The man with the disease of the skin  approached Jesus, was persistent in making sure he recieved the attention of the Lord.  Society forbade him from being around other people, but the man did not care, he approached Jesus and asked for the blessing of healing. Jesus does not back away or shun the man, but rather responds to him immediately.

If you are seeking a blessing from Jesus Christ today, take a page out of the book of the man in Matthew 8, and ask the Lord to choose you. Watch what happens! Thank you for reading, and feel welcome to share with a friend. Blessings, Nick

[1] The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version (Php 4:4–7). (1989). Thomas Nelson Publishers.

God’s Purpose For Your Life

Do You Know God Has A Purpose For Your Life? Written by Pastor Nick Hood Jeremiah 29: 11 For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.
God has a purpose and a plan for each of our lives. The prophet Jeremiah taught that God has a plan for each of our lives. The plan is for our welfare and good. I think it is significant that the prophet says God has a plan for each of our lives. This means God knows each of us individually, and has a plan for each of our lives. It is reasonable to ask, if the plan God has for my life is for my welfare and good, why is it that sometimes things turn out horribly wrong, if not disappointing? This is a fair and good question to ask.   Each of us has been individually and uniquely created by God. The intention of God is that we enjoy a good life, a prosperous life, a happy life. While God knows the thoughts of our minds and how things will ultimately turn out, obstacles and challenges we will face, and unforeseen opportunities we never imagined, God has created us with the ability to think, and to choose hour unique path in life. You should not be surprise to find that your desires will not only develop, but also possibly change in a direction you never imagined.
Between the ages of 10 and 14, my interest was football. Yet thinking back upon my youth, something happened in the 3rd or 4th grade that changed my life. My parents took our family on the Boblo Boat on a cruise South on the Detroit River to an amusement park called Boblo Island. On the 2nd floor of this big boat, which I learned later could accommodate over 2000 patrons, I never got past the bandstand, where a five piece band, including a piano, bass, and drummer as well as a trumpet and saxophone player played a song called ‘Never on Sunday” that had a nice zippy little beat and cool melody. I liked the melody, but also the sound of the saxophone and trumpet playing in unison but also in harmony with one another. I do not remember leaving the bandstand watching these fellows play. When my father finally dragged me away from the bandstand, I asked him if he would get me a trumpet because I wanted to learn how to play it. My dad said yes, and in the 4th grade I took instrumental music at the Winterhalter Elementary School and my life was changed!   In the ninth grade, at Lutheran High School West, where I played quarterback on their junior varsity team, the band instructor pulled me aside and told me that my lips were too big to ever go very far as a trumpet player and suggested that if I were willing, he would give me a trombone and teach me how to play it. I was too dumb to realize the insult about the size of my lips, and that there were several great trumpet players with lips far larger than mine like Louis Armstrong, Dizzy Gillespie, Donald Byrd. Freddie Hubbard, and many others.

One night during a football game, I was hit behind the line of scrimmage by the opposing team. At that point in the season, I was the only African American on my team. The team we were playing was all black. As I got up off the ground, the boy who tackled me looked at me and said, “N… What are you doing here?” By the time I got back up on my feet, I asked myself, “What am I doing here? These boys won’t block for me, I’m getting creamed, there is only one girl in this school I am attracted to, ( Novalita Bragg) and she doesn’t seem to have any time in the day for me, this is going to be a long four years at this school! I think I’m going to change schools and go to Cass Technical High School!”    Little did I know that the trombone I was given at Lutheran high school West, would be my ticket to Cass Technical High School. At Cass Tech, Harold Arnoldi, the music department head auditioned me and told me he had a place for me but that my “lips were lips were precious to him and he could not afford for anybody to hit me in my mouth” and refused to sign off to let me play football. He had me playing in three ensembles which rehearsed one hour each day with one sectional at 7 am and a symphony band rehearsal at 4 pm – a total of at least five hours a day. Looking back on that decision, it dawned upon me that from a physical standpoint I am probably much healthier now having stopped playing football at such a young age.
 Even though I played classical music in high school, at night, and on the weekends I played in a R&B band I co-founded with a friend, who is now a minister, Rev, Dr. Dwight Andrews. My brother, Emory played bass. Floyd Jones, trumpet, Spencer Barefield, guitar. Tyndal Prude, Drums Detrick Fortson, conga and bongo drums, Linda Farmer and Rose McKinney James, vocals.
   Cutting the story a little short, in my second year at Boston University, I flew home two to three times per month to play with the band on the weekends. The third year in college I transferred back to Wayne State University to see how well the band would do and to find out if we had an opportunity to record on a record label. That same year, my father who pastored the Plymouth United Church of Christ in Detroit, asked me if i would develop a ministry for junior high youth. As it turned out, I enjoyed and received so much fulfillment leading a youth ministry, my eyes were opened to something I had never considered, the ministry   I told the band if we did not secure a recording contract by the time I was 21 and graduating from college, I was finished with the music and going into the ministry. This year on June 13th, I will celebrate my 48th year in the ministry, and 38th year has pastor of the Plymouth United Church of Christ. I made that choice when I was 21 years old, and ordained at 24.

One of the lessons for me from this story of my own life, is that often we cannot see at any present stage where our lives will ultimately end up. But for me, the big change in my life started in the 3rd or 4th grade on the Boblo boat. I forgot to mention that by the time I was 17 years of age, my band and I were playing on that same boat band stage that enthralled me when I was in the 4th grade!
  I hope I have not bored you with my little life story, but for me, i am convinced that God has a plan and a purpose for each of us! You may not understand it. You may not be able to see it. You may be discouraged, despondent, and despairing, but God has not and will not give up on you!   I encourage you to keep your eyes open. Look for the opportunities that God has sent your way. Thank God for every setback and disappointment and remind yourself of the prophecy of Jeremiah. God has a plan for your life that includes your welfare and things that are good! Hold on in faith, and never ever give up!
Written by pastor Nick Hood

Jeremiah 29: 12 Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. 13 When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, 14 I will let you find me, says the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I sent you into exile. [1]
[1] The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version (Je 29:11–14). (1989). Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Questions for Reflection:
11.  Do you ever struggle wondering why has God put you here? 2. What are your thoughts about this meditation on purpose in life? 3. How have you maintained your faith in the struggle to find your purpose in life? 4. Other thoughts?

LBless me this day O Lord, that I may better see what you have laid before me. Bless me to hear you more clearly. Bless me to trust you more completely. In Jesus name I  pray amen.

  Written by Pastor Nick Hood Watch Me on The Word Network | Saturdays at 2:30 PM EST Take a look at last Saturday’s broadcast on The word Network, – ” Is It a Sin For The Christian To Want Money?”

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Prayer For Good Health

Prayer for good health

Lord, I pray today for good health. I thank you for my strength, and I thank you for my health. I commit today to eat better, exercise more, and take good care of my body. I make this commitment to you, my lord and my savior. In jesus name i pray amen.

Written by pastor Nick Hood

Receive a free devotional/meditation each week via email

Pastor Nick Hood

Every week I send out a spiritual meditation/ prayer via email. The subject for this week is “Listening to and for the voice of God.” If you would like to receive this free spiritual tool to assist with your daily devotions, via email, contact me at Blessings, Nick

Listening To and For The Voice Of God

Pastor Nick Hood

We can always ask God directly for what we want, but what I have found in my life is that God seems to speak to me more through my silence. sometimes I think we spend too much time talking, and not enough time listening for the voice of God.

Deuteronomy 4 :12   12 Then the Lord spoke to you out of the fire. You heard the sound of words but saw no form; there was only a voice[1]

[1] The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version (Dt 4:11–12). (1989). Thomas Nelson Publishers.

I seem to get more direction from God when in my silence I’m doing something that does not require a lot of thought, such as walking in a park, exercise and in a gymnasium or in a swimming in a pool, driving the car up the mountain, working in the yard, praying for someone else, or simply laying down.

I often find inspiration when reading the Bible. Sometimes I read the Bible, just to be reading it. Other times I read the Bible for inspiration and direction, like when I am looking for a particular scripture on a certain subject, but other times, when I am seeking to memorize a text, or thinking about a word of hope or inspiration to share with someone else, in the process, often i feel as though the lord is talking to me.

Revelation 3: 2020 Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me[1]

[1] The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version (Re 3:20). (1989). Thomas Nelson Publishers.

If you want to hear what God is trying to tell you, it is also good to listen objectively to the voices of others. Some of the greatest inspiration I have gotten from God has come from total strangers who for one reason or another, said something to me, or looked a certain way, or acted and responded to something I said. Sometimes, it seems like God is talking directly to me. When I look at the enthusiasm and energy and excitement of young children, the glint in their eyes when exploring a  playscape in the park, a new toy on the floor, the hug at the door, the joy of throwing and catching a ball, or flipping on the floor, sometimes causes me to think about Venus of God and the beauty and majesty of God’s creation here on earth.

I encourage you to look for God in everything. Listen for God in everything, and see God in everything.

  1. When and where do you think you have heard the voice of God?
  2. Have you ever confused the voice of God with just another voice?
  3. Other thoughts you might have on the subject of listening two and four the voice of God?


Lord I want to hear from you. I come to you this day as an empty vessel. Speak to me in my silence. Show me what you would have me to do, say, and understand. I have tried to figure things out on my own, but I have come to the realization that I need something greater than myself. Walk with me and talk with me as I progress the pathways of life. Talk with me now, and bless me with your divine inspiration. Through Jesus Christ i pray amen

Take a look at last Saturday’s broadcast on The word Network, – “The Hell Within You!”  which features a special tribute to Kevin Toney.


Pastor Nick Hood

Tuesday prayer. Lord, we are one day into this new week, and I am excited. I am excited in a crazy way when I think of all the things I want to do this week. As I look back over last week, I have a sense of gratitude for those things I accomplished. As I look forward to the remaining hours of this day and the following days for this week, grant me your focus. Grant me all the mental tools you have endowed me with, and grant me strength and love that your will might be done. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen
Written by Pastor Nick Hood

Thank You For Not Kicking Me To The Curb

Pastor Nick Hood

Thank you for not kicking me to the curb. Thank you for not totally shutting the door in my face. In my life, I have faced disappointment, deceit, and rejection, but I am so glad you have never totally closed the door on me. Lord, I thank you for every blessing, every Spirit of kindness, and most of all, your love. In Jesus’ name,  I pray. Amen. written by Pastor Nick Hood

Lord, You Watched Over Me

Lord, i thank you for watching over me last night. You allowed me to breathe and my heart to beat, even as I slept. You protected me from harm and danger,  and watched over me. Your divine Providence is reassuring. Your blessings are refreshing. Speak to me Lord this day. Grant me your strength. Grant me your focus. Make this day a great day for the poor, the tired and the hungry, and even me. In Jesus name i pray. Amen

written by pastor nick hood


Pastor Nick Hood

Good afternoon. My sermon tomorrow, Sunday, is entitled “The Hell Within.” The text is taken from Romans chapter 7 : 41 – 49 which talks about inner conflict. Have you ever felt like your life was a living hell? To be honest, I do not feel that way, but I know that some people do. I hope to see you in church. If you cannot make it, check it out on Facebook, youtube, or the Church website blessings, Nick

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